Tuesday 25 August 2009

Getting your heartbroken

Unfortunately when a relationship ends chances are you are going to get your heartbroken.

A year ago I got my heartbroken and it felt like the end of the world.

In fact I think I may have actually said: "I hate you for what you have done to me, you have ruined my life."

Looking back now I can't believe how dramatically I reacted. I was 20-years-old, how could my life have been ruined!

At the time it does seem like the end of the world, in my case it felt like the man that I loved had betrayed me and there was no coming back from that.

But over the past year I have come to realise that getting your heartbroken makes you stronger.

It is something that I think you have to go through, to make you realise all the good things that you have in your life and that being in a relationship isn't the be all and end all.

1 comment:

Russell Howard Concert Tickets said...

Mostly,One can not to lose his relation ships since long times.